Our Animals

We raise beef, chickens, sheep, and goats. Our main focus is to deliver quality, hormone-free, tender meat from our farm to your table. We feel that it is important to know where your food is coming from.

Our Beef Cattle

Our growing herd is the Pinzgauer cattle that are bred and born on our farm. They are a very docile breed characterised by a dark, chestnut base colour with typical white marks on the back and underside. The Pinzgauers have been selected for their meat since they were first imported from Austria. They distinguish themselves with their excellent meat quality in the marbling, succulence, and flavour.

We also raise other cross beef cattle from local farmers.

Our beef enjoy their time in the pasture eating grass during the warmer months. Once winter approaches the beef are brought back into the barn with an outdoor corral for them to enjoy. There main diet is grass and hay but as our beef reach their finishing weight, grain is added to their diet.

Our Sheep

We have a small flock of Dorper sheep. These are a white sheep with a black head. They are an easy-care animal that have a light coat of wool and hair that sheds in the summer.

They are a fast-growing, meat-producing breed that do very well on a variety of grazing conditions. Dorper sheep produce a mild, prime tasting, delicate and delicious meat! They are known for their high-quality lean meat.

Our sheep graze on the pastures during the warmer months and are brought in the barn for the winter.

Our Goats

We raise the myotonic fainting goats which are an American breed of meat goat.  These goats have a recessive gene that makes their skeletal muscles lock up when the animal is startled, causing them to fall over briefly.  These friendly, generally quiet goats make for a very nice pet but are also an excellent meat goat.  Their thick muscling produces a higher meat to bone ratio of 4:1.  The meat is high quality, tender and flavourful.

Our goats enjoy themselves in the pasture eating grass during the warmer months.  In the winter, they spend their time in the barn.  There main diet is grass and hay, but they also receive a little grain and minerals as a supplement.

Jadar Farms Chickens

Our Chickens

We have chickens on our farm for 2 reasons:

For our meat:
We receive our chickens when they are a day old and provide all necessary care until they are ready to go to the butcher.  We source their feed from our local feed store.

For our eggs:
We also have a variety of different laying hens.  In the summer they can be found in the ‘Cluck Wagon’ out in the pasture and in the winter we bring them back in the barn for comfort.

Jadar Farms Maple Syrup

Our Maple Syrup

Every spring we look forward to tapping 100 maple trees on our farm.  It’s a great time of year to do this as it’s too early to start any of our spring farm work and we are happy to be outside after a long winter of being inside.

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